New Searchable Web Page for the Food Allergen Labeling Guidance for Industry

Today, the FDA published a web page, Frequently Asked Questions: Food Allergen Labeling Guidance for Industry, as a resource for the 5th edition of FDA’s Guidance for Industry titled: Questions and Answers Regarding Food Allergens, Including the Food Allergen Labeling Requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The web page comprises questions the FDA received from stakeholders, including industry, trade associations and consumers after publishing the final guidance. The final guidance is intended to help the food industry meet the requirements for listing major food allergens (milk, egg, fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, soybeans, and sesame) on the labels of FDA-regulated foods. Food labels are an important tool that help protect consumers with food allergies. They can avoid ingredients they may be allergic to in a food by looking for specific allergen labeling and reading the ingredient list.

The searchable functionality of the new web page makes it a convenient resource for industry and consumers interested in learning more about Questions and Answers Regarding Food Allergens, Including the Food Allergen Labeling Requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.