News from AAFC Market Access Secretariat
As of March 31, 2022, the Government of Peru is planning to end the provisions that allow the use of stickers to comply with its front-of-package nutrition warning labelling requirements.
Under the 2018 Law on the Promotion of a Healthy Diet, detailed specifications for the inclusion of octagon-shaped warning labels are required on the front of package of food and beverage products that exceed limits for salt, sugar, saturated fat, and trans-fat set in this regulation. More information on the labelling requirements and limits can be found in the Supreme Decree 012-2018-SA and its amendment Supreme Decree 015-2019-SA (Spanish only).
The use of stickers to comply with the nutrition warning label on the front of the package was extended until March 31, 2022, by Supreme Decree 018-2021-SA (Spanish only). However, it is unclear at this time whether the Peruvian Ministry of Health will extend the provisions allowing the use of stickers beyond this date. This means that all local and imported food and beverage products that exceed the limits set in the regulation will now be required to have printed warning labels directly on their packaging.
Exporters are encouraged to contact their importers or local partners to ensure that their products continue to meet all labelling requirements established by the Peruvian authorities. The Embassy of Canada in Peru can also assist exporters in finding local packaging companies to comply with these regulations, where appropriate.
They will continue to monitor this issue and keep industry stakeholders informed of any extension of the provisions allowing the current use of stickers.